Monday, 16 December 2013

Christ for Christmas!

"Soon it will be Christmas day..." Christmas is a week and a half away and I think it's time I addressed my problem with where Christmas has gotten to today.

Many centuries ago, God blessed the Virgin Mary with a child who would one day change the course of history—Jesus Christ. On December 25th, the Virgin Mary bore a child in the little town of Bethlehem. Three Wiseman gave him gifts from the king and various shepherds prayed for his future. This day was a new beginning and where Christianity truly came into the world.

December 25th was supposed to be a day dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas was named specifically for the celebration of Christ.

Yet few people are celebrating this day the way it should be celebrated.

Instead of a day of the Lord, people have changed the meaning of Christmas to be about gift giving, food, and drinking (though I do believe drinking small amounts of red wine is acceptable — I even recommend it!). We should be praying to God, not sitting around a fireplace, talking about ourselves — that's selfish! Instead of being Christ's day, Christmas has become a holiday millions of people use as an excuse to be selfish.

Moreover, children are lacking belief in Christ — hell, some of them don't even realise the connection between Christ and Christmas. They have found someone new to believe in — or at least their parents have found them someone new to believe in. Yes, I'm speaking about Santa Claus, the unreal, fat man who dresses in a red suit every year during Christmas and flies around the world, delivering presents to the good little boys and girls.

Have you ever heard of anything as full of bullshit as that?

Jesus — the very one who died on the cross to save us — was born on this day. The angels regarded him as the saviour they knew he would become and sent many people to see him. Jesus is the man of God and December 25th is his day, not some "jolly old fat man's" chance to show off his reindeer.

That's just another example of how selfish people have become around Christmastime. Children want this and this and this and this and this (not my daughters, of course; they spend their free time praying to God). Do their parents ever say no? No! In fact, the parents even ask other people to buy gifts for both their children and themselves. Where has the true Christmas meaning gone?

And Christmas carols! "Frosty the Snowman", "Santa Claus is Coming to Town", and "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", to list a few, deal with fun and games. Christmas is supposed to be about Jesus, not fun! Where is "Joy to the World"? "Oh Little Town of  Bethlehem"? "We Three Kings of Orient Are"? Today's children and teenagers don't even know what Bethlehem is. They have all been swallowed by the selfishness of today's modern-day Christmas carols.

Again, I ask, where has the true meaning of Christmas gone?

I think it's time we stood up to this craziness, this new selfishness that has gripped our world tightly in its hands. Christmas is Jesus's day and it's about time everyone realises it.

Please share your opinions. Break away from the modern Christmas and get back into celebrating it the way it should be celebrated! For God, for Jesus!

God bless you all.

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