Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Should we respect all religions? What do you guys think?

Today I don't really have time for posting stuff, so I am just going to ask you guys what do you think about respecting all religions. I mean, at first it sounds reasonable, but sometimes some religions don't match with our social norms or morals. For example, some religions consider women inferior to men, and some religions have cults in which sacrifices are performed... 
And the most important question, Do they respect us?

Please Comment! All the opinions are important to me :)


  1. Oh my goodness! This is a question I've been pondering for multiple years! And I've formed a strong opinion in response to it.
    NO! We should NOT respect all religions. Christianity is the ONLY true religion in this world. We have proper morals, proper beliefs, and proper everything! The world could only have been created one way and that's the way in the bible! Sure, other religions have similar "stories" but only ours is the true history. Christianity is the beginning, middle, and end. So. There.

  2. But sometimes even christians are so extreme that goes against our social norms, don't you think so?
